Small-Eyed Macrurus, Fried with Vegetables Recipe


An unusual dish: macrurus with small eyes, fried over high heat with vegetables. A delicious combination of juicy deep-sea fish and crispy vegetables. The meat of macrurus is very tender and clean, there are no parasites and any harmful impurities in its composition. Cooking macrurus is quite simple, but butchering it is even easier, since there are no bones in it. The main thing is to remember that the fish fillet should lie in a colander so that the cell juice flows out, and the heat treatment should be very fast. The Chinese wok pan is perfect for cooking this fish. A quick and simple recipe is sure to appeal to real gourmets.

Stir-fry with Beef and Vegetables Recipe


This is a typical cooking method for Chinese cuisine, which allows you to preserve the useful properties, freshness and aroma of the ingredients. Everything is cooked in a wok in heated oil with constant stirring and even tossing in the air. For the preparation of stir-fry, it is important that all the ingredients are chopped and are at hand, because the cooking process itself is very fast and intensive. The dish itself should be served immediately.