Bigus (or bigos) is an Eastern European dish of sauerkraut with meat. There are many cooking options, exactly two ingredients are cabbage and meat. I cook it with sauerkraut and pork. Although I remember a time when it was considered absolutely right to cook bigus with sausages). It goes well with mashed potatoes.
Paella is for many the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to Spanish cuisine. And for the Spaniards, this dish is really iconic. The preparation of paella itself is an event and an occasion to invite friends and neighbors.
Broccoli is a rare case when it is tasty and healthy. A salad of raw broccoli cabbage turns out to be very interesting, tasty and looks beautiful on the table.
My family reacts very well to bean dishes, I wanted to share with you my version of the dish “pork + beans”, I hope it will be useful to you, because it is prepared very quickly and simply, it looks beautiful, appetizing and very tasty on the table.