This dish is still not for every day, but rather a banquet option. But since these are fairly simple and affordable products, if you wish, you can cook it much more often than we have reasons for banquets.
I wanted to diversify a little, a very familiar and ordinary dish for us. I have, as always, everything with an emphasis on the child, the more, the faster it is eaten)))
This is a Swiss paella recipe that I cook all the time. paella is one of our family’s favorite dishes. I cook every second or third weekend, and I’m never bored! It is also very suitable for a festive table if one or two couples are invited.
Paella is for many the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to Spanish cuisine. And for the Spaniards, this dish is really iconic. The preparation of paella itself is an event and an occasion to invite friends and neighbors.
I love lancet fish for its tenderness, softness and juiciness. There are no bones in it, except for the central cartilage. But we all know that during the heat treatment of this wonderful fish, a lot of fish juice is released. So let’s use this feature for good: cook it with paella. Let the juice soak the rice and make a delicious, fragrant dish out of it. And we don’t need fish broth.
Paella is a national Spanish (Valencian) dish made of rice, tinted with saffron, with the addition of olive oil. In addition, seafood, vegetables, chicken, sausage, etc. can be added to paella. The name comes from the Latin word patella — “frying pan”. Traditionally served on Sundays or St. Joseph’s Day.