Quick recipe for delicious chicken fillet. Cheese, mint, garlic… These flavors will not allow the fillet to remain bland! A great quick hot dish!

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Good day! I’m in a hurry to share another dinner! This time I cooked “Potatoes with brisket and onions in the oven” Dinner turned out to be simple and most importantly delicious. You can cut off the skin on the brisket, and you can take any baking sheet along with the grill. The brisket turns out very soft, the potatoes are crumbly, and the onion is just delicious. Thank you all for your attention, good luck to all! I want to advise you to watch the video recipe.
A very delicious recipe for stuffed peppers with lean meat and vegetables. Using grated raw carrots without the classic frying in oil: removes trans fats, reduces calories and saves time cooking this dish. The absence of garlic and fried onions allows you to feel the taste of vegetables with meat better. Spices add their own zest and useful substances to this fragrant dish.
Many people like poached eggs, but do not want to cook, because they think that it is difficult. I recently learned how to cook it in the microwave, and I will share this recipe with you. I do not pretend to be original, the method is well-known, but for me it was a discovery. Anyone interested, come on in, I’ll tell you.