Raspberry Jelly Candies on Agar-Agar Recipe


Today is a great holiday – Palm Sunday. The post continues. We treated ourselves to festive sweets – berry jelly, cooked on agar-agar. As you know, agar-agar is a vegetable substitute for gelatin. It is prepared from a certain type of algae. I’ll make healthy candies. Thus, the berries will take all the juice, will not separate. The candies will be completely natural and will help our gastrointestinal tract to work properly. It’s fiber. Sweets can be eaten not only during Lent, they are suitable for a holiday, and for those who follow the figure and are afraid to get better. These candies are low-calorie. You can take any berries. For example: currant, strawberry, cherry.

Easter Muffins with Lavender Recipe


Very soon we will celebrate Easter! Everyone will have a variety of pastries on the table. I also belong to those people who honor traditions. But I try to bring something new every year. I think these spring holiday muffins will look great next to cakes. Their delicate lavender fragrance and creamy cream will remind you that it’s spring outside, and chocolate will become the most traditional touch. Try and boldly increase the amount of ingredients by 2 or even 3 times!

Sand Strudel without Sugar and Eggs Recipe


Each family has its own peculiarities of celebrating Bright Sunday. It is impossible to imagine an Easter table without a cake and painted eggs. But every woman prepares her household’s favorite dishes. My three grandchildren are still eating… But anything that more or less smells like chocolate will not be missed. We have to take this into account. Such a crunchy sandy strudel will turn out with a BANG! The recipe is very simple. It’s valuable!

Coconut “Wreaths” Recipe


We want to offer very tasty buns to the Easter table, which is generous with treats!!! I also quickly replenished my wonderful recipes that use yeast. Every time I think: “Here! That’s it! This is the best!” Just think about how to find another recipe that I like even more! Now I do not refuse, but I strongly recommend this recipe. It is well suited for treats on the festive table! The dough was prepared using a slow cooker.

Vanilla Buns “Easter” Recipe


I am sharing with you a recipe for fragrant vanilla buns. I can only use vanilla, baking powder and pastry decorations. I looked at something similar on the website without a prescription. Buns are prepared easily, the result is excellent. If you don’t decorate, we can take you to nature and out of town.