Fresh water, which can be eaten, is especially appreciated all over the world. The share of fresh water is no more than 3% of the entire world ocean. Its reserves are found in rivers and freshwater lakes. But most of the fresh water is concentrated in glaciers and polar massifs.
What are the Types of Water?
In cooking, only fresh water is used, but it is also different. If we talk about cooking, then boiled, filtered, melted, bottled, mineral and others are used. Dishes such as soups, broths, sauces, pickled and stewed products, most desserts and side dishes are impossible without it. Water is the basis for any drink. It is used for cooking, stewing, steaming, pickling, soaking and other active actions in the kitchen.
How to use Water in Cooking?
Regardless of the fact that the formula of water is the same everywhere, each variety differs in its own chemical composition. Many cooks prefer to defend water. If the water will stand for about 8 hours, then all harmful substances will settle from below, and only 30% of the water is used in cooking. Filtered water is considered to be the most useful, but do not forget to replace the cleaning system in a timely manner. There are salts in bottled water, and therefore it is perfect for use in domestic conditions. Distilled water is not used in cooking, as it is “empty” and has no useful properties.
What Does the Water Taste Like?
Pure water has no taste, however, there is almost no taste in nature. Thus, the taste of water is given by various impurities that are part of the water. The specific taste will depend on the source and the area of water extraction, and it may also have a different degree of severity. In addition, the taste of water depends on the state of the body.
Cauliflower side dish with vegetables and mushrooms. It is prepared easily and quickly. It is good both in hot form, with heat from the heat, and in cold form it is very good. In my opinion, there should be simple dishes on the festive table. Try this!
There are many recipes for cherry mousse pies on the website. We also really like these pies. But even more my granddaughters like the mousse itself, as a separate, independent dessert. From what only I didn’t cook mousse for them: cranberries, blueberries, apricots, apples… but from cherries – for the first time. It turned out incredibly delicious: very, very cherry, rich, fragrant! An amazing berry-cherry!
I suggest cooking bagels with plum filling. The cooking process is very simple, and the result is a lot of small delicious products for a New Year’s tea party.
Pork roll with cranberry sauce is a great meat dish for a holiday. Cranberry sauce gives a special piquant taste. You can serve the roll both hot and cold.
Delicious mackerel under a bright, juicy, slightly spicy marinade. A great snack for the festive table. I recommend cooking a double portion at once, because the fish diverges at lightning speed.
This is a family recipe. When my young man’s parents just got married, one of the first dishes prepared by the young wife was a special milk soup made according to the recipe of my grandfather, who lived in one of the most remote areas of our region. I was hoping to surprise my husband. How is this not so! My husband tried it and said – Yes, my grandfather cooked this in my village! The recipe turned out to be absolutely identical, which is extremely rare even with the most classic dishes. It turned out that he lived in the same area! It is not asked if the grandfathers knew each other. I fell in love with this soup from the first spoonful. That’s why I’m sharing this with you.
I love this salad and used to always order it in Chinese restaurants, but then I thought: why not cook it myself?… I clogged the Internet, borrowed a little from different sites and brought out for myself the perfect preparation of this outrageously simple, but insanely delicious warm salad. By the way, broccoli does not lose its usefulness even in frozen form!
Two years ago I baked a pie with a carob tree. And recently, a Turkish woman saw an even more interesting molding of a carob pie. I decided to cook from my own dough and filling. Roll out the dough very thinly. The dough turns out to be puff and airy, with a nutty raspberry flavor. The filling can be put sweet and unsweetened, just add protein. If the pie has unsweetened filling, remove the vanilla sugar and reduce the amount of sugar in the dough to 1 tablespoon.
It’s no secret that well-cooked meat is better than any expensive sausage! Pork baked in a spicy garlic-prune coat will appeal even to the most picky and capricious meat eaters! Juicy, rich, well, just a magical taste of spices and seasonings, makes this dish special, and their alluring aroma gives the meat a festive exclusivity! This dish is also great because it can be eaten both hot and cold!