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Pepper Stuffed with Turkey, baked in Foil Recipe
Pepper stuffed with Turkey and baked in foil is delicious, healthy and dietary. You can cook at home and take with you on a picnic, or you can bake on coals or grill in nature. The recipe is universal, like a cold appetizer or a hot dish.
Cook Time 40 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
  1. For cooking, you can use ready-made minced meat or chop the Turkey fillet yourself. Add to the minced meat finely chopped onion and garlic, breadcrumbs (or bread crumbs), salt, pepper mixture. Mix everything thoroughly.
    For cooking, you can use ready-made minced meat or chop the Turkey fillet yourself. Add to the minced meat finely chopped onion and garlic, breadcrumbs (or bread crumbs), salt, pepper mixture. Mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Add finely chopped dense ripe tomatoes, mustard with grains and chopped herbs (I have dill).
    Add finely chopped dense ripe tomatoes, mustard with grains and chopped herbs (I have dill).
  3. Stir.
  4. Wash pepper, cut off the stalk, clean. Stuff.
    Wash pepper, cut off the stalk, clean. Stuff.
  5. Tear off the foil and put it in two layers. Put the pepper, oil.
    Tear off the foil and put it in two layers. Put the pepper, oil.
  6. Wrap the pepper in foil, bend the ends to the top.
    Wrap the pepper in foil, bend the ends to the top.
  7. Bake the pepper in the oven at 200 deg. 40 minutes or on the grill, or directly in the coals, 30 minutes.
    Bake the pepper in the oven at 200 deg. 40 minutes or on the grill, or directly in the coals, 30 minutes.
  8. Remove the foil from the top of the finished pepper and let it brown.
    Remove the foil from the top of the finished pepper and let it brown.
  9. Bon Appetit!
    Bon Appetit!
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