You can treat yourself to a delicious dessert after the end of the meal, or you can eat an appetizing sweetness just like that – to lift your mood. They are cold and hot, of different caloric content, simple and complex.
Chocolate, cookies, puddings, buns, ice cream, honey, sweets, pastille cakes – and this is just a small list of everyone’s favorite dishes!
They can be bought in a pastry shop or in a store, but it is always necessary to take into account the fact that self-prepared desserts are guaranteed to contain no allergy-causing ingredients, excess calories and fat, and also look more advantageous from an aesthetic point of view.
The cooking time varies from fifteen minutes, if it is a fruit salad with cream or tiramisu, and up to two hours for a cake or cake (along with baking). For certain recipes, the products will have to be soaked and prepared in advance, so that then it remains only to mix them and put them in the oven.
From dishes and appliances for making desserts, you will need a whisk, bowls, creamers, baking or freezing molds, a blender, saucepans, sometimes foil, toothpicks and glasses.
Most of the recipes will not require anything that you need to go further than the nearest supermarket, and the stocks of vanilla sugar, whipped cream, zest, mixtures for kneading dough and cream available to each experienced cook simplify the task even more!
I propose an interesting, in my opinion, recipe from oranges. It’s caviar. Unusual. It can be used as a decoration, or you can just eat it. Kids love it!
Many of us like to eat ice cream in the summer, and various fruit and berry sorbets are a great option for hot days. In addition, this is a great way to use not very sweet apricots.
Cheesecakes are not only a very tasty dish, which is quite simple and fast to prepare. This is also a whole field for experiments! For example, you can add poppy seeds to a classic recipe and diversify your Breakfast!
I discovered a new recipe, I liked the pancakes, I really liked them. It’s been baked several times. But the process of kneading the dough was new to me, hence the name. Usually in dry flour pour liquid products, here on the contrary, and I have never added alcohol before. I am happy to share the recipe. Treat.
Delicious, tender, healthy dessert! And the surprise? Surprise – I have this tahini (sesame) paste is very tasty, spicy and very useful! A surprise can be prunes pre-soaked in water.
The cakes are gorgeous. They have a pleasant moist structure and rich chocolate taste. With a delicate creamy souffle layer and spicy impregnation. Biscuits are very soft, moderately moist, porous and juicy.