Fish soup is one of the most popular dishes of fish cuisine, known for several centuries in most countries that have access to the sea or large imports of fish products. If you like fresh fish, then you will surely like this hot dish, which is served as a first course. Here you will find a variety of options that are suitable for chefs from different parts of the world.
Gumbo or Gumbo is an American cuisine dish common in the state of Louisiana. This is a thick soup with spices, similar in consistency to a stew. It is considered a legacy of the cuisine of the Cajuns, descendants of French immigrants who arrived in Canada in the XVIII century. Gumbo can be thick, like a stew, and served on a rice pad, or it can be more liquid, like soup. I have prepared the second option based on a recipe from the magazine “Gostronom”.
A wonderful and very light soup is a favorite of our family. The ingredients are simple, and there aren’t that many of them. There’s not much in common with them, but the result is excellent. It can be either lunch or dinner.
They say that the royal ear is on chicken broth, but with red fish, al sturgeon… Am I the king or not the king?! I thought… Of course not, I am not a king and not a queen, but with a “King in my head” – that’s for sure, oh, he does not give me peace, I often invent such things… Like, for example, today there are a couple of recipes for the “Perfect Couple” contest, you can judge what and how, and we have delicious, very tasty food, no weaker than the royal ones.
I wanted vegetable soup, my husband asked for soup. I thought, I thought… and I decided to combine everything in one dish. Why not? It turned out to be an incredibly delicious soup: fragrant, light and satisfying at the same time. It seemed very harmonious to me.
I offer you a recipe for soup with tender dumplings. The secret of such tenderness lies in the composition of the dough. And the dough for them consists of yolks, butter and flour. The consistency is slightly thicker than that of pancakes. The result is soft, tender dumplings, this is not a piece of dough, but something airy and weightless. Soup with such dumplings can be cooked in fish or meat broth of your choice. I prefer fish.
Fish soup with red fish and cream is a very tasty combination. The recipe is originally from Finland, but is originally prepared from salmon. As practice has shown, the combination is not only unusual, but also useful. After all, the content of vitamins and omega-fats has a beneficial effect on the body.
I want to share with you how I cook soup at home. I cook fish soup for a long time and from any fish. I really like fish. Some say that the carp ear is not cooked, it is better to fry it. I am eating and I will eat!!! October is the carp fishing season. The fish is fat, thick, large. We have a place near the city where it is bred. Here I got the freshest carp.
I suggest you cook a hearty and delicious soup of red fish and sorrel. As you know, sorrel contains many essential vitamins, minerals and other substances. Red fish also contains vitamins that boost immunity and healthy fatty acids. The soup turns out to be healthy, rich in taste.