It is believed that the preparation of the first dishes by man began with the appearance of dishes that allow cooking products in it. Over time, human knowledge and skills developed, cooking developed, the first dishes became more complex and sophisticated. Today, the recipes of the first dishes amaze with their diversity. The most popular, perhaps, are still the first meat dishes. They, as they say, are for every taste. These are the first dishes of chicken, the first dishes of beef, the first dishes of pork, the first dishes of lamb. For those who do not like the first dishes of meat, recipes suggest using fish, mushrooms, various vegetables. Special first courses for children have also been invented: they are usually dietary or sweet.
A woman who knows how to cook delicious first courses can always count on the favor of a man, because it is impossible to resist the aroma of soup! That is why we have collected the most delicious recipes of the first courses on our website. It should be noted that if you decide to cook the first dishes, recipes with photos will be especially useful to you.
My grandmother always made sour but delicious soup. Of course I don’t remember what, but I personally cook with chicken. Delicate taste, pleasant sourness, a little secret of cooking.
I promised to post a recipe for this dish. Each hostess has her own recipe, perhaps my way of cooking this delicious first course will be useful to someone.
My mom loves sour cabbage soup! Although a juicy and very satisfying soup will be eaten with pleasure by all the household. I will share with you a recipe for making a delicious lean soup, it is quite simple. The soup turns out thick, with a fragrant filling.
Dear cooks, I offer you another recipe for soup from Czech cuisine. This is a light and at the same time hearty soup, the preparation of which will take less than an hour, which you will certainly appreciate on these hot days. The soup is very tasty, creamy, just wonderful!
The recipe was given in the recommendations for the preparation of dishes for the Assumption Fast. But who prevents us from preparing during Lent? The soup turns out to be very juicy and satisfying. If desired, it can be cooked with meat, but in the lean version it turns out very tasty.
This recipe is according to my beloved husband: “One of my most delicious dishes.” You can also cook for dinner and for a festive table. It is very tasty and fragrant.