Many of the foods we use in our daily lives are not suitable for young children. That is why children’s dishes at home are often very different from adult food: they contain fewer spices, undergo a slightly different heat treatment, for example, instead of frying, food is steamed and this list can be continued for a long time. Every woman should learn how to cook children’s dishes, because in the future she will become a mother. That’s why collecting and writing down recipes for children’s dishes is not only exciting, but also useful.
What are Children’s Dishes Good for?
First of all, all the recipes are very tasty.
Secondly, children’s recipes all consist entirely of healthy products.
Thirdly, it is usually attractively decorated (in a ready-made form), so that the baby appreciates the work of mom (or dad) and necessarily ate at least a piece of the finished delicious dish.
A person who does not know how to cook recipes for children at all will easily learn this art by simply carefully studying children’s recipes with photos. Such culinary recipes cannot be called too complicated, and therefore the training will be easy and tasteful.
The food is beautifully decorated, it will always seem to children much tastier than the one that looks “boring”. This is the basis of all children’s recipes – they should not be “boring” in any case. If not by sight, then at least by taste.
Learning to cook good children’s options, any cook gets used to cooking delicious, high-quality, healthy, nutritious children’s dishes.
We suggest you to study our section dedicated to the children’s menu, where you will be able to find recipes of delicious dishes for children in large numbers. Of course, every mother has her own opinion about what is useful for her child. Therefore, our recipes for children with photos will help you find a dish for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner that you and your child will definitely like.
Appetizer for one and two. Recipe for a simple and delicious snack of 4 ingredients “Envelopes of pita bread with cheese-tomato filling”. This snack can be prepared for a snack and so on. Thank you for your attention, all the best.
It is not always possible to buy cream cheese. And milk and sour cream are always within walking distance. I suggest making a meringue roll with cream from homemade Ricotta cheese. I do not add cream to the cream, and it turns out greasy and dry (this meringue does not get wet and remains crispy for a very long time). This is especially convenient if you are waiting for guests, because the roll can be prepared in advance.
The strawberry season has begun and each of us will not miss the chance to treat ourselves to this delicious berry. With the addition of this berry, various desserts, creams are prepared, delicious pies are baked, but I want to offer you three options for decorating a sweet berry.
On this site, you will not surprise anyone with pancakes, but somehow I still have mascarpone cream and I decided to make pancakes. I really liked the combination of this cream and pink jam.
Delicious, tender, strawberry, very simple and low-calorie pie. I saw the recipe today from an Italian website, thank you very much, I share it with you.
Diet peppers stuffed with filling, laid in them unusually. A healthy, beautiful and delicious dish for dieting and not only-for lunch or dinner, for a festive table.
Cheesecake cheese cake, literally – “cheese pie”, “cottage cheese pie”) – a dish of European and American cuisine, which is a cheese-containing dessert from cottage cheese casserole to souffle. Delicious I advise everyone to try it
These biscotti are wonderful-the chocolate and nut duo never fails. It is better to make them small in size, so as not to scold yourself when you reach for another thing)