As you know, there is a Catholic Christmas and an Orthodox Christmas, and at the same time it is difficult to find even two Catholic or Orthodox countries that would have absolutely identical Christmas dishes and Christmas menu. The Christmas table should not only saturate the family, but also symbolize abundance, the beginning of a new life. Traditional Christmas dishes in different countries are very diverse, in connection with the end of the fast, a variety of products are allowed. For example, from the end of November to January 7, the Orthodox Christmas fast lasts, the menu of the Christmas fast is a great way not only to be cleansed spiritually, but also physically. Eating during the Christmas fast excludes fatty animal food, fish can be eaten several times a week. But after the fast, the recipes for Christmas dishes are more diverse, there is meat, fish, and dairy products.
For the countries of Western Europe, Christmas baking recipes are especially characteristic of sweet dishes. At this time, houses and bazaars are really flooded with Christmas pastries. The recipe for Christmas baking is Christmas cookies, as well as Christmas gingerbread. Christmas cupcake and Christmas candy recipes are also very popular. There is even a special English Christmas cake in England. The recipe for Christmas cookies is simple, the main thing is a beautiful design. To please your loved ones and, especially, children, we offer you a recipe for Christmas gingerbread. You will need flour, sugar, soda, eggs, butter, cocoa, honey, spices. After mixing the ingredients and kneading the dough, it should be put in the refrigerator overnight so that it is infused and soaked with spices, in this case you will get especially fragrant Christmas gingerbread. The recipe for Christmas gingerbread will also require you to have a certain artistic taste, because it will be necessary to mold human figures, animals, or some geometric shapes from the dough. After that, the cookies are baked in the oven and decorated with icing. About the same way Christmas cookies are prepared. The recipe for a Christmas cake is very popular in England. It is prepared with dried fruits and nuts, soaked with some alcohol. For Orthodox Christians, Christmas sweets are primarily Christmas carols and Christmas pastries, for example, Christmas cake. The recipe that creates a holiday for children is lollipops in the form of cockerels. The ideal option for Christmas baking will be Christmas tea. It is made from black tea, ginger, cinnamon and orange peel.
Also in many European countries, a mandatory Christmas dish is a Christmas goose, a Christmas duck or a Christmas turkey. Christmas goose is prepared in Germany, Denmark, Greece etc. You will definitely not regret if a Christmas goose appears on your table. The Christmas goose recipe usually uses apples and prunes. Christmas turkey is a recipe that is typical for England and the USA. Meat dishes are often served with a Christmas salad, the recipe of which may differ in different countries.
Here is a recipe for a delicious cake found on the Internet. I baked this cake yesterday for a festive tea party. In the recipe of the Honey cake, only egg yolks were used in the preparation of the cream. And I would also like to note that the recipe is simple and fast in cooking time.
Now there are so many different variations of pancakes for Maslenitsa that I decided to keep up and share our favorite recipe for baked pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins, with butter and honey. Pancakes according to this recipe are very, very tasty. They are well soaked in creamy honey sauce, they become so sweet, fragrant, juicy and a little high in calories) the main thing is to stop in time and not eat everything at once) In general, we cook and eat these pancakes with great pleasure, I hope that you will like them too. Join us!
This pike is fundamentally different from the traditional Jewish dish “gefilte fish” in two ways. Firstly, the fish is baked in the oven, and not boiled, as it should be according to Jewish tradition. Secondly, and this is the most important thing, there is no matzo or breadcrumbs in minced meat, but lard is added to it. The above, however, does not make the dish any less delicious.
Pancake cake “Red Velvet” is bright, delicious and beautiful. Thin red pancakes and delicate cream just melt in your mouth. If you are against using a dye, you can just skip this step.
Cheese rolls with corn are a great snack. The preparation of such a snack takes very little time, and the result will pleasantly surprise you. The rolls are very tender, soft, with a piquant taste.
I suggest you prepare a delicate and fragrant dessert for your half: raspberries, chocolate, whipped cream… Dessert is portioned, so you can cook it with a margin so that everyone has enough. I am sure that this delicacy will appeal to both adults and children.
If you are a fan of chicken stomachs, then you will definitely like this version of aspic, especially since it is also budget. And in this performance, he will also decorate the festive table.
Homemade pies are always a great idea for a family tea party. Shortbread cookies with jam, jam or other filling are ideal for this. An amazing combination of crumbly, crispy shortbread dough with homemade jam will delight you on cold winter evenings. This pie is prepared very quickly and simply. Prepare and please your loved ones with such a wonderful cake. Enjoy your meal.
This recipe contains several ideas from different traditional dishes (cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers, meatballs). Such a fantasy on the theme of traditions with creativity. It turned out very tasty. The recipe, at first glance, is complicated. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. Try to prepare. I’m sure you’ll like it.