The fragrance familiar from childhood is associated with magic and the New Year. An incredibly simple recipe, you will need tangerines and a little corn flour, the cake will become more crumbly and fragrant.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
English dessert, the taste of a winter holiday, simplicity and speed. I have decided for several years not to bake complicated cases for the New Year’s table. It doesn’t always come to dessert, and not everyone is able to appreciate your confectionery feat. And there is always not enough time, especially if you work on the 31st. And serving simple desserts without cooking is a great way out. And it can attract children. Besides, it’s very tasty, no worse than other cakes!
Remember? On festive tables, including New Year’s, there was always mushroom caviar. It was prepared from dried mushrooms, fresh, salted or mixed mushrooms. The components of the caviar were rolled through a meat grinder. It was amazing. Today I made mushroom caviar from boiled mushrooms with eggplant, onion, carrot and garlic. I will grind it to a homogeneous mass using a combine.
On the festive table, a bird baked in the oven is always welcomed and accepted with a “Hurrah!”. But if duck or goose is not to everyone’s taste, then chicken is the most versatile, beloved by children and adults. And you can always make a salad from the leftovers, which is also important with an abundance of various festive dishes. Today is another option for baking chicken, quick and not troublesome, but very tasty!