Cottage Cheese Cake “Frost and Sun” Recipe


Our answer to Western cheesecake is a delicate air cake based on cottage cheese. This is the golden mean between cheesecake and casserole, since the original cheesecake recipe uses soft cheese. But with cottage cheese, the dessert turns out faster, and the taste is not inferior to the original. This dessert will be a great start to the day for your loved ones, an afternoon snack for children or a light treat for dinner for yourself. The white curd mass looks like a snow cover, and the yellow glaze symbolizes the sun. The aroma of vanilla will give you a wonderful mood, and tangerines – anticipation of the New Year.

Loran Pie with Vegetables and Mushrooms Recipe


Every year on New Year’s Eve I bake a cake “Laurent”. And every time I experiment with fillings. This year I wanted to add more vegetables to the festive table. So I decided to make a vegetable pie. I am preparing a completely non-standard cake “Laurent”. Starting with the cake and ending with the filling, it is low-fat. Which in no way makes it tasteless. The pie turns out to be tender, slightly crispy and light. And the filling is like a salute! A large number of ingredients replacing each other create a bright rich taste.

Christmas Cookies Recipe


A delicate, fragile shell with an almond note in the fruit filling, which is prepared and infused long before baking, are English pies. The English like to laugh at their cuisine, but the answer of true connoisseurs of it is: “It’s much better than the fame of it.” I suggest you familiarize yourself with an example of Christmas baking, which many people know and cook, but these wonderful pies attracted attention and liked their “piece-by-piece”. it turns out a tender, crumbly and not sweet dough. In this test, the taste of the filling of fruits and spices is very pronounced. They are not reflected!!! A wonderful gift for your loved ones for Christmas and New Year!