Plain Rye Bread Recipe


They are often baked from rye flour, as there is a diabetic in the family. This bread is very much loved, it is crispy, with a pleasant rye taste. Knead the dough once, and then cook for 3 days – roll out and put in the oven. Quickly, and you can experiment with sprinkling.

Yogurt Strawberry-Chocolate Recipe


Natural yogurt made with your own hands – what could be tastier?! In addition to taste, fermentation of milk has beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on our entire body. It’s strawberry season, treat your loved ones with delicious dessert yogurt with a rich chocolate-strawberry flavor.

Home Candied Fruits Recipe


Fragrant, colorful, delicious candied fruits will complement your pastries or just serve as a separate dessert for a cup of tea or coffee. This recipe attracted me with its simplicity. We will use the whole orange, together with the juice. Candied fruits are stored for a long time. I usually cook a whole portion and store it in the refrigerator.