These tortillas are just a lifesaver. And instead of pies, and instead of bread. Prepare quickly ( well, as I love the same). The filling can be of course and another.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Friends, I want to introduce you to excellent, delicious sandwiches with a crispy crust and the taste of real pizza, which are prepared quickly, but the result is very, very happy!!! Recipe from the series “fast, simple, delicious”, great for Breakfast, snacks at work, in nature!!! Pizza and sandwich lovers-come visit, you will be satisfied!
Homemade recipe for chicken pate, simple to prepare, but with excellent results. It is suitable for Breakfast, a snack, or a festive table, if it is decorated accordingly or placed in tartlets. Again, on a budget, the output of the finished pate justifies the costs. Tender, with a nutty note, a little sweet from carrots… recommend.
Recipe from the section: delicious, healthy, easy, and even dietary! Homemade chicken sausage, cooked in a press-ham, is a great alternative to store-bought meat products. The sausage is obtained with a dense structure, and a pleasant pink color ( even without nitrite salt) is not difficult to Prepare, with available ingredients. The cut is very bright and delicious!
Dear cooks, the strawberry season is beginning, so I share with you my favorite summer Breakfast, which I have been preparing for probably 5 years. The combination of a warm, crunchy slice of bread with juicy strawberries on a tender curd-cream cloud, seasoned with spicy Basil greens and thick balsamic cream, believe me, will not leave you indifferent! For sandwiches, you can use any seasonal juicy sweet and sour fruits/berries. My favorites are strawberries and nectarine. I heartily recommend you to try and find your own combinations of flavors!
Dear cooks, I want to offer you a recipe, really, the fastest pizza from what is in the refrigerator) the site already has a recipe for pizza from pita bread, but it is baked in the oven. and this is an extra movement) Believe me, the result in the pan is no worse) the filling can be absolutely any. You only need to have three main ingredients-pita bread, sauce (ketchup) and cheese.