Tortillas Recipe


Mexican buns. Simple ingredients. Easy to prepare. Stored for a long time. And there are as many options of dishes with them as you want… Oh-ho-ho! The only negative was quickly eaten. It can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

Omelette in a Tortilla for Breakfast Recipe


I bring to your attention an interesting hearty breakfast of omelet on wheat tortilla. The ingredients of the filling can be absolutely anything to your taste. It is cooked quickly, it looks very appetizing, the taste is amazing. Omelet-tortilla will be delicious both hot and cold, I cook this dish for my husband at work.

Mexican Tortilla Recipe


It so happened that I needed a Mexican tortilla, there was no one in the shops nearby. But if I have decided, then definitely. And now an absolutely wonderful tortilla recipe appeared on the Internet, and after 40 minutes I was holding her in my arms and was quite happy and proud of myself! So there are no hopeless situations! Who really believes you here!

Broccoli Salad with Vegetables Recipe


This is my favorite holiday salad. I tried it ten years ago and fell in love almost immediately. Since then, I’ve been trying to cook as often as possible. It is very good to serve it on a festive table – it has few calories, and it can be safely consumed throughout the evening without exposing yourself to the pangs of conscience. Constant use and enjoyment of taste. If you have your own broccoli, then you can not blanch it with boiling water, but put it in a raw salad.

Vegetable Salad Recipe


I love this salad: crispy, with an inappropriate taste. I came to him on my own when I met all the products listed below on one shelf in the refrigerator, although there are, of course, no discoveries here. Cook it for breakfast, although when you need a vegetable salad for a festive table, it will also look great, it turns out so beautifully. Suitable as a side dish to fatty meat or poultry. And it is very convenient to take with you, we put the main filling on the bottom, and do not mix all the other ingredients before serving.