Separate nutrition is the direction according to which all products are classified according to their digestibility in the body. Product compatibility tables are now publicly available, they are easy and understandable, but still many of us want specifics, for example, to make a separate food menu for every day, which at first is not so easy. Having read enough of all kinds of specialized literature on this issue, having found out everything about the combinations of products of a particular category, not everyone and not immediately succeeds in applying the knowledge gained in practice. In order to save your personal time, we have created a thematic collection in which you will find recipes for separate meals for every taste.
Examples Of Separate Meals
It is impossible to eat protein and carbohydrate products at the same time, i.e. meat and fish are not consumed at the same time with bread, cereals, potatoes.
Beans, potatoes, bread and other carbohydrate products cannot be combined with acidic foods — lemon, sauerkraut, because an alkaline, not acidic environment is necessary for the digestion of carbohydrate products.
You can not eat fats with proteins (cream, sour cream, vegetable oil with meat and eggs) in one go.
You can not combine sugar and starch.
Of course, you should follow some more simple and logical rules!
It is desirable that fresh vegetables and fruits make up more than half of the daily diet.
You need to learn to distinguish between hunger and appetite, and start eating only when you feel hungry.
Get used to eating slowly, chewing food well, especially when eating raw vegetable products, in order to prevent stomach disorders.
Well, it is necessary, of course, to give up alcohol, smoking, spicy spices, salt, sugar, vinegar.
Stop drinking liquid 10 minutes before meals and resume at least half an hour after eating fruit, two hours after starchy food and 4 hours after protein. To quench thirst, you need to use only clean water and do not drink during meals — this dilutes the gastric juice.
Milk is best consumed separately. Milk fat delays the release of gastric juice, this product is absorbed not in the stomach, but in the duodenum, so the stomach does not react with its secretion to the presence of milk, which interferes with the assimilation of food.
It is better to cook bread yourself, and in the future abandon it and pasta. It is desirable to minimize the presence of sugar and all complex carbohydrates.
This time I offer you a diet cake made of corn groats without a gram of flour and with a minimum of butter. Ideally, it is prepared with a large bunch or even two bunches of fresh green onions. But it’s not the season, it’s not on sale, so we’ll do the same with leeks, and if not, then with ordinary sauteed onions. So…
I offer you a very tasty, hearty and almost low-fat soup. Despite the presence of a small amount of fried bacon, the dish is generally balanced in terms of fat and calories, because I have a negative attitude to fatty foods. Read the recipe and, if you want, try to cook it once.
Dear cooks, I want to introduce you to a very simple, but very tasty Ukrainian dish, one of the distinctive features of Hutsul cuisine. Quote from Wikipedia – “Banosh is a traditional Ukrainian Hutsul dish, a steep porridge made of corn flour, cooked with cream or sour cream. Traditionally, it is prepared exclusively by men on an open fire.” Everyone who wants to try this delicious dish, come visit, I will be glad!!!
The most popular cookies using oatmeal are easy to prepare, healthy, delicious and have many different variations. In my recipe, instead of oatmeal for the dough, I used granola. This is the same baked porridge with honey. dried fruits and nuts.
Bright juicy pumpkin soup – will cheer up the gloomy autumn! A simple seasonal vegetable filled with a storehouse of vitamins. Children like it for its sweetness, and also sooo suitable for leopard people (with skin problems), because it alkalizes the body well. Good health and bon appetit to all!
How often do you cook chicken??? Often??? Well, then I suggest you diversify, so to speak, the “chicken” menu… delicious juicy chicken in a stunning delicate velvet sauce…!!!
Today my mom ordered something light for dinner, without meat (and even without poultry!). Such a wonderful version of stew caught my eye, and I decided to implement it. This dish was liked by three generations of my family: my parents, me and my son. It must mean something. A dish with an oriental flavor. I was afraid to put spices and pepper according to the recipe (quantity), but in vain. Do not hesitate to post as much as it is written! Next – adjust to taste. Or maybe my pepper was “weak”? ))) Try this!
The biscuit is easy to make, carrots are easily grated and whipped with a mixer! Cooking takes only 15 minutes, without taking into account the baking time, of course, plus 5 minutes for the glaze and a little time for decoration. Therefore, I can safely call the biscuit “lazy”, suitable for those who have little time, but need to quickly, effectively and most importantly – delicious!
It is called a beautiful, long and completely incomprehensible word – Kolokotsa. This delicious soup is prepared by the brand chef of the national restaurant “Molon Lava” Stamatis Silias. The secret is that the pumpkin should not be boiled, but baked until soft, then it will retain its rich taste. This soup, if properly prepared, should taste a little sweet.