Dessert with cookies, walnuts, white chocolate and custard yogurt cream. Tender, light, not very high in calories, but so delicious! It is prepared quickly and quite simply. Try.
Snacks of Herring with Potatoes Recipe
|Chicken on an Orange-Garlic Pillow Recipe
|Snack Fish Tartlets Recipe
|Smoked-Boiled Brisket Recipe
|Casserole with Pasta, Eggplant and Meatballs Recipe
|Almost Julien with a Fine Paste Recipe
|Almost Julien, you might say. Only I added small pasta of hard varieties to the bottom of the coconut chips before laying out the components of Julienne. Also, instead of chicken meat, I used a ready-made turkey roll. A wonderful snack or just serve instead of hot on the New Year’s table at the very beginning of the festive dinner.
Cake “Raspberry Cloud” Recipe
|Meringue Roll with Lemon Cream Recipe
|Today I want to offer a recipe for meringue roll or as it is called – meringue roll. The cream will be lemon-based cream “Charlotte”. A delicate citrus cream perfectly complements the sweetness of the meringue. They perfectly complement and emphasize each other. Thanks to this cream, the meringue does not get wet and keeps its shape well. It is prepared from the most common products. The recipe will not contain heavy cream and cream cheese. The roll turns out to be very tender, with a crisp crust and a light, moist middle. It really turns out very, very tasty!!!