Chicken with Beans and Parsley Pesto Recipe


A dish from the “2 in 1” category, both meat and side dish are cooked together. Very tasty, homemade dish. Thanks to the parsley pesto sauce, the aroma when baking is simply magical! And don’t be afraid of the strange word “pesto”, this wonderful vitamin sauce from parsley is prepared from the most affordable products in 5 minutes, and it will always be used. To save time, it is convenient to use canned beans.

Cupcake “Family” Recipe


I think every family has their favorite cupcake recipe. This is the one we come back to from year to year… having tried many other recipes at the same time. So, I want to share this cupcake recipe… The recipe is absolutely simple and unpretentious, but the output is a delicate, airy, lush pie!!! Walnuts, cocoa… coconut… And everything together is indescribably delicious! We constantly change fillers and get a different taste!!!