A hearty quick-cooking pie with boiled meat, fried mushrooms with onions and pickled cucumber as the filling.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
I continue to make healthy soups during this time period. Beautiful, simple and very delicious. Today I will offer you a soup of frozen vegetables, which of course is still almost everyone who has prepared them. Chicken broth soup, spicy, with rice, with a rich taste and warming. Thanks to the spices: curry; Basil; marjoram, it is suitable for raising your immunity.
No one in our family likes cheese. Only I have a real passion for her. One day, while preparing a snack for my husband to hunt, I decided to “joke”. In the middle of the day, a call: people ask, what do you put in the cutlets? (they usually put everything they bring on the common table). The recipe was to everyone’s taste, although there was enough food for everyone. Since then, I’ve been cooking these meatballs for an encore at home. Delicious, lush, crispy and tender inside. In cold form, they are also good, especially if cut lengthwise and put on bread.
Fragrant, rich, spicy chicken soup with manna dumplings. A rich composition of spices, including turmeric and coriander, which are among the five most useful spices. Soup is relevant at this time, when there is an epidemic in the yard and we need to maintain our immunity. Semolina dumplings are very tender with butter and egg yolk, they just melt in your mouth. Better try this! It’s not difficult, but with excellent results.
I love zucchini and sometimes experiment with them. And somehow I came up with this method of cooking zucchini. It seemed to me that it turned out delicious, and I cooked the second time just as well and brought it to work, which the girls would appreciate, everyone really liked it. They even asked for a recipe. And so I decided to post a recipe, in case someone likes it.