Breast with Vegetables Baked in the Oven Recipe


This is a hearty, appetizing dish for those who like to eat delicious food. It is perfect for a festive table or just for lunch or dinner. Pork belly baked in the oven according to this recipe is very easy to prepare, and the finished meat will exceed all your expectations. You can bake pork brisket just like that, pickled and put on a baking sheet, or bake in foil.

Swedish Night Bread without Kneading Recipe


For a long time, this recipe was in my queue for cooking, for some reason it was postponed. But X-Day came, and I baked it. Tender and nostrils crumb, crispy crust, seeds – we liked everything! And this is very important – do not knead anything – just mixed the ingredients, put them in a mold and put them in the refrigerator overnight, in the morning took out the mold – in the oven – turned on the oven and after 40 minutes bread is on the table! Try it?

Spicy Buckwheat with Vegetables Recipe


Buckwheat porridge with vegetables can be served as a side dish or as an independent dish. This dish is ideal for cooking in the country. This is done simply and quickly, and even in cold form does not lose its attractiveness. It is very convenient to use buckwheat in bags. While it was cooking, fry the vegetables for literally 2-3 minutes, allowing them to retain their flavor and freshness. Chili pepper gives the dish a slight sharpness and aroma, Bulgarian pepper and garlic – piquancy, carrots – a sweet note, and tomato paste – a pleasant sourness. So much for the variety of taste sensations!