If you add spices, zest and nuts to a regular pumpkin mannikin, it will become a festive dessert.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
A party in the Black Forest is an unusual and delicious dessert! This is something like a hybrid of a Black Forest cake and a cheesecake. In addition, you do not need to bake anything except a biscuit for crumbs, which covers the top and sides, but… this is my personal change of the recipe, where the “pate” was decorated with a crumb of chocolate cookies.
Thin slices of apples play the role of puff pastry in this cake, and a small amount of dough plays the role of cream. Streisel’s baby imitates a parcel. And coconut shavings create the illusion of a light snow cover. The cake turns out to be literally weightless, and what else is needed after a hearty New Year’s feast? And it’s done so fast! Especially if you have a food processor.
I love Christmas pastries for their flavor, for the fact that they can be baked in advance, and also they are perfect as a gift. You can start right now, so don’t put it off until later. From the resulting amount of ingredients, we will get 1 cupcake weighing 700-750 g and measuring 9 * 20 cm. But I cook a double portion at once, so we never limit ourselves to one.
On the seventh of December, my grandmother had an anniversary – she turned 95 years old!* Among the treats was this citrus pie. It is based on low-fat shortbread dough stuffed with winter fruits – orange, tangerine and grapefruit, supplemented with zest and cinnamon. The cake is suitable for everyone who observes the Christmas fast, and not only. Try