Delicious, delicate and original ant pie will not leave anyone indifferent. It’s amazing!

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
On the bright Easter holiday, not only cakes are baked, but also a variety of pies. Since childhood, cottage cheese has been my favorite filling in pies. Additives: raisins, candied fruits and vanilla to your taste. They were not in the original. The height of the cheesecake is 4 cm. The diameter of the bottom of the bowl is 21 cm.
Very soon we will celebrate Easter! Everyone will have a variety of pastries on the table. I also belong to those people who honor traditions. But I try to bring something new every year. I think these spring holiday muffins will look great next to cakes. Their delicate lavender fragrance and creamy cream will remind you that it’s spring outside, and chocolate will become the most traditional touch. Try and boldly increase the amount of ingredients by 2 or even 3 times!
Traditionally, Easter cakes are baked. But modern, busy housewives cook cupcakes instead of them (and sometimes in addition to them). A stunningly delicious cupcake turns out! The name is given because of the liquor used. The cooking time is indicated without taking into account the cooling time of the pie.
I am sharing with you a recipe for fragrant vanilla buns. I can only use vanilla, baking powder and pastry decorations. I looked at something similar on the website without a prescription. Buns are prepared easily, the result is excellent. If you don’t decorate, we can take you to nature and out of town.