Cake “Boiled Condensed Milk” Recipe


Can a cake be delicious without flour, butter and a thick layer of cream? I answer you “Yes!” I offer you a recipe for an interesting cake that can be eaten even by those who are afraid to get better! Dessert will especially appeal to lovers of honey or caramel pastries, as the taste and aroma of the cake are amazing! The secret of taste lies in one simple and unusual (at least for me) procedure for preparing ingredients.

Chocolate-Coffee Cake with Mascarpone Recipe


This cake came to me under the name “Tiramisu cake”. But, as it seemed to me, this name is not very correct, so I decided to rename it. Due to the similarity of the ingredients, the taste of the cake is really similar to the taste of tiramisu. The pastry has a very delicate, moist, soft texture. An amazing option. I am sure that many people will like this cake.