Green Buckwheat Mousse Recipe


In spring, I want lightness, and I think that this completely vegetarian and even raw food recipe for mousse from sprouted green buckwheat will be very useful. I hope this will give you courage and energy. Green buckwheat is not steamed, but unpaired buckwheat, which is a healthier alternative to brown, fried, to which we are accustomed. In addition, to preserve all its nutritional properties, it is consumed raw, or even better, sprouted.

Buckwheat Gratin with Nuts and Dried Fruits Recipe


Gratin is a French casserole that can be made from anything. It is mainly found in potatoes, meat, fish with sauce and cheese. But this dish is more suitable for dinner. I offer you a delicious, hearty dish for breakfast. Instead of the usual porridge cooked with milk. So they call it muesli, but it’s not even muesli… take a look and try it yourself.