There are many recipes for cherry mousse pies on the website. We also really like these pies. But even more my granddaughters like the mousse itself, as a separate, independent dessert. From what only I didn’t cook mousse for them: cranberries, blueberries, apricots, apples… but from cherries – for the first time. It turned out incredibly delicious: very, very cherry, rich, fragrant! An amazing berry-cherry!
This recipe is a variation of Emily Dickinson’s Christmas cake, with my changes according to my tastes and preferences. In my opinion, this is the perfect Christmas cupcake. At the moment. All the previous recipes that I tried were more dense in structure, more often resembled a fragrant honey cake with fruit. And this pie is loose, moist. It is this structure of cupcakes that is loved in our family. But that doesn’t mean I won’t try the oven and other options. There is no limit to perfection. A set of dried fruits can be chosen to taste, but, as a rule, it should be about 400 g.
A party in the Black Forest is an unusual and delicious dessert! This is something like a hybrid of a Black Forest cake and a cheesecake. In addition, you do not need to bake anything except a biscuit for crumbs, which covers the top and sides, but… this is my personal change of the recipe, where the “pate” was decorated with a crumb of chocolate cookies.
Personally, I like berry sauces not as a dessert, but for serving with main dishes. With them, our familiar dishes are revealed from a new, unexplored side – which means that every time you will have a pleasant culinary surprise. The star of today’s dish is cherry! Are you ready to experiment? Then go ahead!
My friends, a wonderful, most beloved holiday is just around the corner-New Year! Pleasant festive bustle, notes with wishes, snowflake windows and a beautiful Christmas tree! Every hostess tries to cover a rich table with various, unusual or traditional dishes! And, of course, no festive evening is complete without a sweet, fragrant dessert! I bring to your attention delicate coconut cupcakes stuffed with cherries and white chocolate. The dessert is so delicious that it disappears in a matter of minutes! It is only necessary to bring it to your lips and it is impossible to break away!
I do not know if you dry cherry leaves for tea for the winter, but if not, then next year you will definitely dry them. After all, tea made from dried cherry leaves is so exquisite and fragrant! And if you add tangerine peels to it, you will get tea, almost like green with bergamot. It’s nice to enjoy them at home on a winter day or take them on the road in a thermos. For an afternoon snack with cheesecakes – so it’s a holiday in general!