“New Year” is the most festive holiday! And many begin to prepare for it long before its onset. The combination of flavors of products in my salad is familiar to many. I hope that the salad will become a worthy decoration of your table.
I present to you a very tasty, bright and vitamin salad! Vegetable oil-based dressing gives flavor and piquancy, and roasted chickpeas gives the dish an interesting crispy note and richness. Despite the fact that this salad is lean, it is also suitable for your festive table!
The benefits of red beans for the body are due to the huge content of antioxidants, thiamine, tryptophan, valuable amino acids, a large amount of protein – 8 g per 100 g of the product. Beans saturate, slow down the aging process, serve as a source of useful vegetable protein, which is why nutritionists recommend including red beans in the diet of people of retirement age and from time to time replace it with meat and fish.
After I had heard enough delicious stories about overseas treats during my foreign trips, this salad was born. Very tasty, spring-like, bright! A kind of union of Europe and Asia. For a quick preparation, even more intense taste and aroma, I discovered a mixture of bulgur with mushrooms and spices from Mistral. It tastes better than just bulgur, believe me!