A wonderful salad in the days of Lent. It contains everything you need, all the necessary substances, proteins and vitamins. Delicious, fresh and vitamin-rich, this salad is suitable not only for those who watch their figure and nutrition, but also just for a snack and for guests!
I love chicken breast! Periodically, I spontaneously have new options for its preparation. That’s the way it is. Maybe some of you will like it? Do it with pleasure!
This is a real spring salad, and you can call it a snack. It is very light in taste, easy to prepare. Its benefits are obvious, since it consists of chickpeas, which contains 80 valuable nutrients, a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Chickpeas are great for dietary nutrition, as they are very low in calories.
I offer you a very tasty, light and healthy salad for a snack, as well as for a light lunch or dinner. At the same time, it is quite satisfying and nutritious due to chickpeas.
When I lived in Central Asia, in the UAE, I tried hummus for the first time. Now many people know what it is, many cooked at home, but there are also those who still buy in the store, especially who liked this sauce when he was in the Mediterranean, Israel or tried during tourist trips to Lebanese restaurants in Central Asia. I want to share a recipe for hummus that is very close, almost identical to what I particularly like. With moderate acidity.