Eggplant in Georgian Recipe


This recipe was brought by my mother from a cooking class. Chefs of various restaurants in our city often come to his club and learn how to cook simple restaurant-quality dishes from available products. The dish turns out to be elegant, nutritious, well suited for both a holiday and dinner at home. Just a godsend for those who don’t eat meat. Mom shared it with me, and I shared it with you.

Eastern Caviar from Baked Eggplant Recipe


I’ve always loved eggplant caviar, it’s right from childhood). When eggplant season comes, the first thing I cook is eggplant caviar. I know several recipes for this overseas snack). Today I propose to cook “Oriental Aviar”. Perhaps you may ask – why “oriental caviar”? Because it was in the East that eggplants were first baked, and then finely mixed with lemon juice and sesame paste. According to the same recipe, caviar is prepared with fresh vegetables, without excess butter, which is perfectly combined with a piece of white fragrant bread. It seems to me that this is the perfect snack and a great snack!