With these cutlets, you need to tinker. But everyone will be happy with the result. Such cutlets will not only decorate the festive table, but also please with their taste and aroma.
I saw the recipe on the Internet, I couldn’t pass it by. I made some changes, focusing on the family and delicious, juicy cutlets with carrots and potatoes were ready for dinner.
I didn’t find a similar salad on the website. My salad is made from very few ingredients, but it is still very tasty. It turns out a little and it is on the table, like a delicacy… leaves first! Try it – you won’t regret it!
Everyone has long been familiar and favorite salad with egg and radish can be significantly improved by just adding a couple of ingredients that will open the taste of familiar products in a completely different way 🙂 Removing the mayonnaise from the dressing, the salad may well be an excellent option for those who follow a diet.
Hot meat dish for two.. Very bright taste. Beauty on the plate and a large set of cooking options from existing products. The dish is built on the contrast of Very hot and very spicy meat, followed by the taste of juicy cold vegetables. The sauce gives a special piquancy.. Within a few seconds, your receptors will feel the whole range of salty sweet spicy sour… The closest association is the explosion of taste “ala cranberries in powdered sugar”..
I want to offer a very tasty and very simple salad recipe. Initially, the feed was planned in red cabbage leaves, but I, unfortunately, did not find it. I replaced it with the usual white one.