“Baby Potato” with Sausage and Cheese Recipe


I think everyone knows the famous fast food chain where they prepare delicious baked potatoes with different fillings. Russian soul loves potatoes, nothing can be done. And perhaps no picnic is complete without baked potatoes on the coals or on the grill. I suggest a recipe in the style of “potato crumbs” with a salad of homemade sausage, cheese and pickles. I assure you, these potatoes will be eaten faster than a barbecue at a picnic!

Buns-Nests Recipe


Such delicious nest buns will not leave anyone indifferent! We will prepare them from Filo dough, especially convenient for those who do not like to mess with the dough. You can take absolutely any filling, in any case it will turn out delicious.

Buns “Autumn Mosaic” Recipe


Bright, soft, delicious little buns with candied fruits and cottage cheese and berry filling (or any to your taste)! And you can bake each bun with its own filling. It will be an even more interesting and rich mosaic. In the dough itself, you can add candied fruits or marmalade, or filling – at your discretion. In general, there are a lot of options!

Liver Cake Recipe


You won’t surprise anyone with an ordinary liver pie, there are dozens of recipes on the site. But if you fantasize with the filling, you can get very interesting flavor combinations. I have repeatedly cooked pies stuffed with pickles, but thanks to the “brine dressing” the taste has become more original and saturated.