Usually many people prepare all kinds of cakes for the New Year, but they usually do not reach, so I cook a light and delicate trifle, which invariably produces a stunning effect, it can be served both in glasses and in a huge vase.
How many different honey cakes have I tried, there is nothing tastier than this! An unusual way of cooking, a minimum of products, inexpensive. At the same time, it is tender, fragrant, insanely delicious.
I gave this name to this bean because I cook it, for some reason, only once a year – at Christmas. Although this dish is very tasty, satisfying and easy to prepare. There is an opinion that there must be bean dishes on the Christmas table as a symbol of prosperity. Our choice fell on this option.
Again, a recipe for lovers of fruit additives to meat and poultry. For me, wings are always a holiday! Therefore, I do not stop experimenting with new flavors for their preparation. I really liked this recipe!
Cakes “Cherry fantasy”. This unusual pie combines a delicate, melting in the mouth parfait with pieces of juicy cherries, a delicate aroma of honey and cinnamon with a slight sourness of fragrant cherry jelly.
A delicious and spectacular snack for the festive table! Probably, we all once cooked pancakes or pancakes with chicken liver. Having fantasized a little with the filling and design, you will be able to surprise the guests.
I have a visiting mother who is fasting. I wanted to please her with delicious pastries. The combination of caramel and spices makes a simple banana cake Christmas.