Oh, we love experiments! So we decided to try ourselves as a chocolatier. This is, of course, loudly said, but there is already enough sense in making small things as a gift to friends. And now, at Easter, we decided to please everyone with chocolate eggs with the most delicate bird’s milk.
Fragrant, sweet, soft and beautiful donuts with natural dye. I baked donuts in a slow cooker. Cooking is very simple and, most importantly, fast. Cranberry juice can be replaced with another rich fruit juice.
This recipe from the series “Like in kindergarten” is as simple and delicious as the recipe for dried rose hip jelly. But, in addition, it is also beautiful, useful and inexpensive.
Who doesn’t know cabbage and meat pie? It seems to be the simplest recipe, but how delicious and satisfying it is. Every housewife has her own recipe for making a pie, her own recipe for making dough. I myself have at least seven recipes for this pie with different dough, and all go with a bang. This pie will appeal to lovers of cabbage and meat, it will not leave anyone indifferent – neither relatives nor guests. The main thing is a good mood and do not keep bad thoughts in your head, and everything will work out for you.
Today I want to offer a recipe for meringue roll or as it is called – meringue roll. The cream will be lemon-based cream “Charlotte”. A delicate citrus cream perfectly complements the sweetness of the meringue. They perfectly complement and emphasize each other. Thanks to this cream, the meringue does not get wet and keeps its shape well. It is prepared from the most common products. The recipe will not contain heavy cream and cream cheese. The roll turns out to be very tender, with a crisp crust and a light, moist middle. It really turns out very, very tasty!!!
A small addition to the well-known recipe and the usual chocolate dessert turns into an elegant cake. Those who have tried real brownies know that these are not very fluffy and porous products. That’s how it should be! But I don’t like it so much! So I added a little baking powder. To make it more festive, I also decorated it with Italian meringue. According to my idea, the base should not have been high, so I reduced the amount of dough and curd layer by 1/3 (from the one specified in the recipe). I took the form 20×26 cm . And lo! Brownie-based cake!
Our answer to Western cheesecake is a delicate air cake based on cottage cheese. This is the golden mean between cheesecake and casserole, since the original cheesecake recipe uses soft cheese. But with cottage cheese, the dessert turns out faster, and the taste is not inferior to the original. This dessert will be a great start to the day for your loved ones, an afternoon snack for children or a light treat for dinner for yourself. The white curd mass looks like a snow cover, and the yellow glaze symbolizes the sun. The aroma of vanilla will give you a wonderful mood, and tangerines – anticipation of the New Year.
My children love jelly very much, but they won’t refuse lemonade either, so I decided to serve orange flavor in an unusual version. Very tasty soft drink.