The composition of the salad includes lentils, which contains many vitamins. Our body needs these vitamins in large quantities.Lentils do not lose their useful properties during heat treatment, after heat treatment the substances remain in constant quantity and form. The salad also includes a green apple.
White Bean and Tomato Salad Recipe
|Greek Lentil Salad Recipe
|I think this recipe is suitable for lovers of healthy eating and for those who fast. Pleasant spicy-sour taste. Lentils are one of the richest sources of iron. But not many people know that vitamin C contributes best to the absorption of iron. Therefore, in most cases, Greek lentil dishes are seasoned with lemon juice.
Bean Salad Recipe
|Vegetable Salad Recipe
|Vegan Burgers with Tomato Salsa Recipe
|All kinds of burgers have long and firmly entered our lives. The recipe I want to offer will be especially interesting to those who do not eat meat under duress. Because the cutlets in these cutlets are very similar to meat, although they do not contain it. And if you use canned beans, then its preparation will take only a few minutes.
Lean Burger with a Patty Made of Lentils Recipe
|Lean burger with lentil cutlet and guacamole. During the fast, it is especially important to add more vegetable protein to your diet. One of the leaders in its content is lentils. This is a great product, you can cook a lot of different dishes from it. For example, today I want to offer you to try lentil cutlets. And to make the dish more satisfying and interesting, I suggest using these cutlets in an unusual lean burger. As a side dish for lentils, I chose one of my favorite sauces – guacamole. This refreshes the dish and makes it juicy. I added potatoes to the lentil cutlets for better stickiness and curry to give the flavor and taste of the East. All this combined led to a very tasty lean burger!