Goose Legs Confit Recipe


This dish my wife and I both dared in one sitting. Despite the garnish-it would seem, the same fat as the goose component. But surprisingly, the legs to which I added wings and a side dish of potatoes cooked in a classic French recipe – potato saladas, have left impressions fatty meals. I took the basic recipe from the famous chef Ilya Lazerson. The tradition of French peasant cuisine prescribes the use of duck legs as the main ingredient. So it is considered. In fact, confit is prepared not only from duck-chicken, goose, even lamb. Actually, confit is not a dish, but rather a way of cooking.

Vegetable Caviar “Borscht” Recipe


I offer you caviar from vegetables that are available all year round. An all-season dish, very convenient! Why borscht caviar? But because it is prepared from those vegetables that go into the traditional red borscht. For me, this recipe is a lifesaver. And as a snack, and as a side dish, and as an independent dish – a great option. Hot and cold. It’s easy! Delicious and healthy. Come in, maybe you’ll need a recipe.