Cooking fish on the grill is quite simple and fast. I suggest you cook from inexpensive varieties of fish, but this does not mean that it is tasteless. Hake in ginger-soy marinade, mackerel in foil, marinated with garlic, soy sauce and honey, and herring in soy sauce with green onions and tarragon.
What to do when there are a lot of cucumbers.. when there are fresh fruits and vegetables all year round, when there is no special need for pickles… and lots of cucumbers… What I just did… My experiments with baking stuffed cucumbers (meat, rice), frying were very successful. And then I came across a recipe for French cuisine – a gratin of cucumbers with Roquefort cheese. Those who love blue cheese should like it!
A beautiful, delicious, light and at the same time nutritious salad. Nuts and mushrooms will provide you with proteins, and greens – vitamins. And what else is needed for a lean or vegetarian diet that should not harm the body.
Very light and refreshing okroshka. No potatoes or sausages. In addition, the combination of boiled fish, tarragon and sharp kvass, in my opinion, is simply amazing. Not the last role to play in this dish, sweet crayfish.