Minestrone with Seasonal Vegetables and Bacon Recipe


There are many classic minestrone recipes in Italy. But today I’m going to make minestrone in the autumn, with seasonal autumn vegetables and bacon. In some areas of Italy, it is prepared with pancetta. Pancetta is Italian bacon or ham on a bone. which we can replace with brisket or bacon. Meat minestrones are more suitable for cold weather. Minestrone always turns out to be very thick and therefore very satisfying, and this is what you need these autumn days.

Moussaka “From Greece” Recipe


It so happened that for 3 weeks I was with my family in beautiful and still warm Greece. This is not my first visit, and moussaka is my old love. But this time I have a 5-month-old daughter with me, and it’s almost impossible to go to taverns and eat this magical dish. Well, we don’t like restaurants here); So I decided to cook moussaka at home. I didn’t find a similar recipe on the website. It is based on a recipe from the Greek forum and slightly adapted. Share the result.

Pork Sausage with Red Barberries Recipe


Sausage in our family is relevant at any time of the year, but in autumn, with the onset of cold weather, meat snacks become more popular. And fresh slaughtered pork appears on the market. So my hands are itching to cook homemade sausage. Inclusions of dried barberry berries give the sausage a beautiful pattern and set off its sour meat taste.

Salad “Crimson Autumn” Recipe


I offer you a very delicious fresh salad. This is a wonderful combination of all products, seasoned with a light and delicious sauce, and pickled onions add piquancy to the salad. It looks beautiful and bright on a festive table. But we often cook it on weekdays. It is prepared quickly and from available products.

Potatoes with Smoked Meat Recipe


A hearty dinner dish for the whole family. We are always happy to see sausages or something smoked on the table. Here I liked the use of cabbage, which, oddly enough, took first place among my men. It is convenient to cook in the manner of “pots”: fell asleep and wait for cooking! Replaced the onion with leek.

Polenta with Two Fillings Recipe


Polenta is a dish of Italian cuisine. Simply put, it is corn porridge. Polenta was prepared in different ways: soft and hard, baked, cut into pieces and fried. The dish eventually turned into a gourmet dish and is included in the menu of many restaurants. Today I made a portion of polenta with two fillings and two types of cheese.

Pumpkin-Curd Dessert Recipe


In my opinion, pumpkin is the most autumn vegetable. Not everyone, of course, loves it, but I think after trying this dessert, your attitude towards it will change. I offer a bright, beautiful, delicious and healthy jelly dessert made of pumpkin and cottage cheese.