I couldn’t ignore this salad recipe, it seemed very interesting and useful to me. But since it turned out to be also delicious, I want to share it with you. Young sprouts of micro-green mustard give the salad a piquant sharpness, and dried tomatoes add a pleasant sourness.
Today I recommend you this recipe, from any minced meat. Meat balls “Little Red Riding Hood” Or, this dish can also be called “Meat balls with cheese and tomatoes” This dish turns out delicious and very appetizing. This dish can be prepared for dinner, lunch or for a festive table. You can prepare any side dish for this dish, rice pasta, and so on. Thank you very much for your attention! I offer you a video recipe.
One of the most popular Turkish meat dishes is prepared on a skewer and has a history that goes back deep into antiquity. Initially, kebab was prepared in cauldrons or forms for meat without sauce or any liquid on an open fire. There is a legend about the origin of meat dishes cooked on skewers or wooden skewers, associated with the name of the Persian ruler Darius, who went to war, with the words: “This is what will happen to our enemies,” he forcefully stuck a sharpened wooden rod into the cauldron with meat. The recipe offered to you today is one of the variations of a kebab made at home from available products.
Pancakes for the diet, made from yogurt, eggs and oatmeal, stuffed with cottage cheese. A great start to a Sunday afternoon, even for those who count calories and lose weight.
A very successful combination, the jam turns out fragrant and very tasty. It’s time to cook it now – the apricot season is in full swing and the strawberries have not yet departed. By the way, it can also be used frozen, it has been checked.