In the Cantonese dialect of Chinese, the name of this dish means “little gift”. “Dim sum” – steamed little edible treasures hidden in dough baskets are popular almost throughout Asia. But the most favorite dish is still, I think, Chinese. The filling can be different. Today we have chopped seafood.
We can say that this soup is the basis of Chinese cuisine. It has a specific sharp taste with a sour tint and a very pleasant aroma, and soy sauce just gives it those Asian notes that distinguish it from other soups. The taste of the soup is specific, whether you like it or not, but I think the recipe will interest only true connoisseurs of Asian cuisine.
Snacks “for one bite” are very convenient on the festive table. That’s the option I decided to offer today. Profiteroles made of custard dough with meat mousse and seafood mousse. In the center of the serving dish, so that it is absolutely New Year’s, you can put a conditional “Christmas wreath”.
Once this wonderful soup was born in Provence. Bouillabaisse. Many people tell stories about its origin, but it is believed that the most correct version is about French sailors who fished in the Mediterranean Sea. After a hard day’s work, they needed a hot and nutritious dinner, and for this they put in a large saucepan all the leftovers of fish and seafood that are unsuitable for sale or left over from yesterday, and cooked soup using the most Mediterranean ingredients, such as saffron, olive oil, red hot pepper, tomatoes…..
The apple season has finally arrived. And so I want to cook something new, but not apple pie. Here’s a recipe I found in a German magazine. I like it. I decided to share it with you. You won’t regret it!
In October-November, I always bake a Christmas pudding or pie, which I carefully store. And we only eat it at Christmas! Who doesn’t know, this pudding is baked a few months before Christmas. impregnated with alcohol (which in this case acts as a preservative), wrapped in paper and stored in a cool place until Christmas. This year I have a new pudding recipe – and it turns out to be very rich, fragrant and spicy! This is my 500th recipe on the Internet, and I want to treat everyone to this wonderful cake. Do not be afraid of a large number of ingredients: everything is much simpler than it seems!
Hello, dear ones! Today I want to treat you to a delicious German pudding pie. I really like him! This pie is prepared easily and unpretentiously, if you have a dry pudding in stock! If not, I think buying it is not a problem!