Delicious, healthy, light and very fast salad with an unusual taste! For those who like asparagus with a slight taste of garlic and the sweetness of raisins, this salad will be to your taste!
A delicious dish for a lean menu. Peas give satiety, and baked carrots and onions with seitan give the illusion of the presence of meat. Seitan (wheat protein, vegetarian “meat”) in fried form, it is very similar to meat casseroles / pork rinds. Both tasty and healthy. Yes, peas contain a lot of vitamins, trace elements and minerals. It is well absorbed, normalizes metabolism, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, etc. And peas are healthier than potatoes.
With the onset of cold weather, thick and rich soups, delicious pies, and hearty porridges return to our diet. One of these porridges, pea, I especially liked. In our family, peas are invariably filled with fried onions and carrots – simple, but delicious! And now there was a recipe that intrigued me, but all summer I kept it in bookmarks. And now, having thought about it, they took it out of the bins and satisfied not only their curiosity, but also their taste! I really like the dish, so I boldly recommend it to you) Lovers of peas, do not pass by!