Today I want to share with you a recipe for an unrealistically tender, soft, like fluff, yeast pie with minced meat. A very satisfying, fragrant, juicy pie turns out! Try to cook, it’s very tasty!
Tender Buns with Cherries Recipe
|Pie with Figs and Pears Recipe
|Pumpkin Cupcake with Chocolate and Nuts Recipe
|Apple Pie “Charlotte” Recipe
|Today I have a recipe for apple pie. Everything is very simple and fast, but most importantly – very tasty. There will be a lot of apples and a small dog, which is absolutely not felt. It’s probably more like dessert. And with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, it will turn out to be generally delicious. Orange candied fruits are added to give a “raisin” taste. We really liked this cake!!
Aspic Pie with Cabbage and Mushrooms Recipe
|A simple familiar dough stuffed with seasonal vegetables. I used to prepare the dough for pouring on mayonnaise, but today without it, only on yogurt. Such a pie with a rich filling will replace your second course, for example, for dinner. I recommend serving warm, warmed up. Form 21 cm in diameter.
Cottage Cheese Cookies “Ala Strudel” Recipe
|Egg and Onion Tortillas Recipe
|Shortbread Cookies with Chocolate Recipe
|Apple Pie in a Pumpkin Recipe
|Autumn is the time for apple pies, especially since the year turned out to be very apple! It’s a great idea to bake such a pumpkin pie: the charlotte turns out even sweeter, soaked in pumpkin juice. Half of a pumpkin serves as a baking dish – and, therefore, it dirties the dishes less. Very fragrant, delicious and original!