Date Sweets with Pistachios Recipe


Tender and soft lollipops or even small cakes made of dates and pistachios. This dessert will be a great treat on holidays. Offer date sweets with a cup of fragrant tea or coffee or even a glass of sparkling wine! Some of the sweets can be wrapped in snow-white (paper) cuffs, put in a beautiful gift box – what is not a gift?! Please your family and friends, treat them to delicious and colorful sweets prepared with your own hands!

Quick Tangerine Jam Recipe


I’m sharing another recipe for making tangerine jam. If the previous jam had a very bright taste, then this is its complete opposite. Delicate, I would say, refined taste. It’s good by itself, you don’t need to add it anywhere, it’s best to eat it even without tea, just with spoons))