As you know, there is a Catholic Christmas and an Orthodox Christmas, and at the same time it is difficult to find even two Catholic or Orthodox countries that would have absolutely identical Christmas dishes and Christmas menu. The Christmas table should not only saturate the family, but also symbolize abundance, the beginning of a new life. Traditional Christmas dishes in different countries are very diverse, in connection with the end of the fast, a variety of products are allowed. For example, from the end of November to January 7, the Orthodox Christmas fast lasts, the menu of the Christmas fast is a great way not only to be cleansed spiritually, but also physically. Eating during the Christmas fast excludes fatty animal food, fish can be eaten several times a week. But after the fast, the recipes for Christmas dishes are more diverse, there is meat, fish, and dairy products.
For the countries of Western Europe, Christmas baking recipes are especially characteristic of sweet dishes. At this time, houses and bazaars are really flooded with Christmas pastries. The recipe for Christmas baking is Christmas cookies, as well as Christmas gingerbread. Christmas cupcake and Christmas candy recipes are also very popular. There is even a special English Christmas cake in England. The recipe for Christmas cookies is simple, the main thing is a beautiful design. To please your loved ones and, especially, children, we offer you a recipe for Christmas gingerbread. You will need flour, sugar, soda, eggs, butter, cocoa, honey, spices. After mixing the ingredients and kneading the dough, it should be put in the refrigerator overnight so that it is infused and soaked with spices, in this case you will get especially fragrant Christmas gingerbread. The recipe for Christmas gingerbread will also require you to have a certain artistic taste, because it will be necessary to mold human figures, animals, or some geometric shapes from the dough. After that, the cookies are baked in the oven and decorated with icing. About the same way Christmas cookies are prepared. The recipe for a Christmas cake is very popular in England. It is prepared with dried fruits and nuts, soaked with some alcohol. For Orthodox Christians, Christmas sweets are primarily Christmas carols and Christmas pastries, for example, Christmas cake. The recipe that creates a holiday for children is lollipops in the form of cockerels. The ideal option for Christmas baking will be Christmas tea. It is made from black tea, ginger, cinnamon and orange peel.
Also in many European countries, a mandatory Christmas dish is a Christmas goose, a Christmas duck or a Christmas turkey. Christmas goose is prepared in Germany, Denmark, Greece etc. You will definitely not regret if a Christmas goose appears on your table. The Christmas goose recipe usually uses apples and prunes. Christmas turkey is a recipe that is typical for England and the USA. Meat dishes are often served with a Christmas salad, the recipe of which may differ in different countries.
Tangerines are always associated with New Year’s holidays, so I want to suggest making a bright, delicious and refreshing lemonade from them, which will be an excellent substitute for compote.
Pepper stuffed with two varieties of cheese and packed in minced meat with bacon is a fragrant, delicious dish for lunch and dinner. Neat serving will allow you to prepare this dish for the festive table.
I offer you a recipe for my signature roll, which I cook when I’m waiting for guests or just for a Sunday dinner for the family, when I want to please my loved ones. The products are the most inexpensive, but the roll turns out very tasty, and it can be cooked for a holiday.
Pork neck can be used to cook not only shish kebab, but it is also great for baking a piece of meat. Pork loves spices, which are present here, but a pear with wine gives it an unusual piquancy and aroma. It turned out very tasty, fragrant, tender meat that will suit any table, even on weekdays, even on holidays. In addition to the meat, a wonderful, tender cabbage casserole is served.
Velute (French Veloute) is a white base sauce that is served with poultry or fish dishes or used as a base for other sauces. In this case, it is cooked with milk, which gives the taste softness and tenderness, and is complemented by the bright taste of fried bacon
Very simple, but very tasty dish. Duck breast is like seafood. It is prepared either very quickly or for a very long time. If you overdo it, it will become hard. And then it should be baked or stewed for a long time. I only have the fastest option. Tender, juicy duck breast with a wonderful green sauce based on coriander.
Simple in execution and delicious fish pie. Thin dough and a large amount of juicy fish. You can cook if you go to visit for a holiday. This pie is a great field for creativity. You can cut out any figures from puff pastry and decorate the cake with them.
Milk drink with karkade with foamed milk. Those who do not drink caffeinated drinks. And it’s just amazing. Sweet filling can be any: honey, syrup, sugar. Or without sweets! Choose any option and try. Be careful! If you make the infusion saturated or change the ratio to reduce the amount of milk, the milk in the finished drink may curdle! If you do not take risks, then the same “trick” can be done only with roses or any other types of tea or herbs.