Chicken Pate Recipe


Homemade recipe for chicken pate, simple to prepare, but with excellent results. It is suitable for Breakfast, a snack, or a festive table, if it is decorated accordingly or placed in tartlets. Again, on a budget, the output of the finished pate justifies the costs. Tender, with a nutty note, a little sweet from carrots… recommend.

Bread of Italian Grandmothers “Ciambella” Recipe


Ciambella is an Italian bread, there are a huge number of recipes, because every grandmother has her own secrets, her own products, and this, as You know, makes the taste different. One of the most frequently used and most favorite additives in bread is olives, herbs and dried tomatoes with garlic. It is with this set that I bake most often.

Chicken Sausage with Vegetables and Mushrooms Recipe


Recipe from the section: delicious, healthy, easy, and even dietary! Homemade chicken sausage, cooked in a press-ham, is a great alternative to store-bought meat products. The sausage is obtained with a dense structure, and a pleasant pink color ( even without nitrite salt) is not difficult to Prepare, with available ingredients. The cut is very bright and delicious!