Healthy Toast with Kiwi Recipe


Is it possible to eat kiwi with peel? Kiwi can and should be eaten with a peel, since the peel contains a lot of fiber. Kiwi peel will get rid of digestive problems and heal wounds, rejuvenate the body and saturate it with the necessary trace elements. I offer you delicious toasts for breakfast on Borodino bread with cottage cheese, herbs, kiwi and olives.

Pie-Souffle “Baby Bird” Recipe


Yes, it’s “bird’s milk” again, but without baking. The site has 10 recipe pages containing this name. Since the proposed dish is more related to sweets and souffle itself, I carefully looked through these recipes and found that the proposed recipe contains 5-6 times less sugar than in previous recipes. Nevertheless, the souffle cakes still turned out to be tender, airy and quite sweet. Maybe someone will need my version.