The diet of expectant and young mothers is always given a lot of attention, because during this crucial period, their food is the nutrition of a small person who does not yet have the strength to eat a full meal on his own. But the fact is that step-by-step recipes for pregnant and nursing women should be compiled very carefully. Any products that are too allergenic or harmful can cause damage to the child, so it is necessary to approach the preparation of dishes very carefully. Moreover, we have to forget about many spices and other flavor enhancers that we get so used to in everyday life.
All recipes have a balanced and varied composition that will help replenish vitamin reserves, saturate the body and not feel deprived at the table. Here you will find soups, snacks, salads, hot dishes, long-awaited healthy desserts and homemade treats.
Worth Remembering
All foods consumed by a woman during lactation affect the quality of milk, the health and development of the child. Proper nutrition of a nursing mother for months is the key to the baby’s well-being.
I really like cheese tortillas. I don’t remember where, but I saw a recipe for cheesecakes with marmalade. I tried it – very tasty. If your children or grandchildren do not really like cheesecakes, try this option, perhaps it will be interesting for children. I’m not a kid, but I like to eat them. Delicious, unusual!
This dish is from the Zaporozhye Cossacks, and maybe from the Hungarian porridge from millet keles, definitely – it is hearty and delicious. The main components of kulesh are cereals and lard, it is prepared even from the white part of the river cattail. The porridge should be thick so that “grain by grain did not run with a stick.”
I was looking for a recipe for meat that could be eaten both hot and cold, sliced and in the form of a sandwich in the morning for breakfast, an alternative to sausage. Everything was something special, this one was the perfect embodiment of my desire! Tender, fragrant meat, the taste of which can be slightly changed from time to time depending on the destination, is actually cooked very quickly, although it requires marinating for at least a day. You can cook both chicken and turkey.
A simple and quick side dish, the recipe of which I received from a friend. Another advantage of this dish is that it is delicious both hot and cold (practically a salad or snack).
Strudel with greens is a very spring pastry, fragrant and delicious! Thin, airy dough, great for tea, if you don’t want sweet, a very useful option. And you can take them with you as a snack to nature, to the first spring picnic!
Gratin is a French casserole that can be made from anything. It is mainly found in potatoes, meat, fish with sauce and cheese. But this dish is more suitable for dinner. I offer you a delicious, hearty dish for breakfast. Instead of the usual porridge cooked with milk. So they call it muesli, but it’s not even muesli… take a look and try it yourself.
I want to offer you an unusual lean dessert. I must say that I did not expect that it would turn out so delicious and interesting! Beetroot pie acquires a deep burgundy color and apple-spicy taste… Brown sugar gives a caramel flavor! And all together forms a harmonious chocolate delicacy. And no one will guess about the main ingredient of this dessert, well, if you don’t admit it yourself.
A useful substitute for everything sweet. Walking through foreign culinary sites, I increasingly find recipes without sugar, gluten-free, for raw foodists and vegans. The perfect recipe, not just a recipe, but pure, healthy energy in one piece. 15-20 minutes, and you are sure that your children are eating healthy food.