It is now popular to cook various dishes using waffle cakes. I also wanted to cook something with them. As a result of the experiment, delicious, hearty sandwiches with a very large amount of cheese turned out.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
What do you associate autumn with??? For me personally, autumn is a bright, colorful autumn of multicolored colors… the rustle of leaves underfoot.. bright umbrellas during light drizzling rain… a warm blanket and delicious tea with cake.. I suggest you, my dear ones, get comfortable and enjoy a delicious delicate cake!!! Soft soaked sponge cake, tender souffle and juicy peaches are sure to give you moments of pleasure, peace…
I’ve always loved eggplant caviar, it’s right from childhood). When eggplant season comes, the first thing I cook is eggplant caviar. I know several recipes for this overseas snack). Today I propose to cook “Oriental Aviar”. Perhaps you may ask – why “oriental caviar”? Because it was in the East that eggplants were first baked, and then finely mixed with lemon juice and sesame paste. According to the same recipe, caviar is prepared with fresh vegetables, without excess butter, which is perfectly combined with a piece of white fragrant bread. It seems to me that this is the perfect snack and a great snack!
As you know, tart is an open pie. I suggest you bake a simple pie, but with an excellent result. There is no need to mess with the text, you just need to take a layer of yeast-free puff pastry. Minimum filling: zucchini, cream cheese or any fatty cottage cheese, egg. 40 minutes – and the pie is ready!
Autumn time is the beginning of cooking hot dishes in the oven. The chicken in the sleeve can be instructed to cook even at home, which I did, running away to work. The main thing is to marinate everything in your favorite spices. The oven will do the rest for you. Vegetables can be supplemented to taste.