Delicious fragrant fluffy buns with raisins and cinnamon will definitely please you, it’s not difficult to cook them at all. And icing sugar with sprinkles will decorate them and will not leave anyone indifferent!
An integral part of the Easter table is Easter. It is cooked only at Easter, but our family is always ready to eat it. We always cook chocolate, the recipe of which I shared last year, and caramel.
The taste of this twist resembles either fruit toffee or condensed milk with pear flavor. Hence the name. I got an untested recipe, and for this reason, to be honest, I prepared this sweetness with some caution. Since he hadn’t done this before, he mentally prepared himself for any outcome. But you know, it turned out very tasty, and for a sweet tooth – a godsend! I think that on cold winter evenings over tea everything will go with a bang!
A cake from Chef Goland with mascarpone cream. Hello, dear friends! I have a real cookie lit up here (without baking powder and soda). Try to cook and enjoy this dessert.
All, of course, is the famous Oriental dessert-halva. There are many types of it: sunflower, peanut, sesame, etc.with or without. I tried different things, but there was always vegetable oil in the composition. Flipping through old recipe books for slow cookers! I came across a recipe for halva with butter. So I decided to cook. I share the recipe!