Fried Stew with Chicken Hearts Recipe


Stew is so convenient: the first and the second are at the choice of your consumers. And you can use different products, just a little bit on the table and the dish is fragrant, rich, satisfying and beautiful. I like to pre-fry each product, it seems so delicious to me, and the pieces of vegetables do not fall apart. Today let’s cook a very tasty stew of chicken hearts, wild mushrooms, dried mint, celery and basil. To heal.

Pastrami with Honey and Paprika Recipe


I was looking for a recipe for meat that could be eaten both hot and cold, sliced and in the form of a sandwich in the morning for breakfast, an alternative to sausage. Everything was something special, this one was the perfect embodiment of my desire! Tender, fragrant meat, the taste of which can be slightly changed from time to time depending on the destination, is actually cooked very quickly, although it requires marinating for at least a day. You can cook both chicken and turkey.

Homemade Noodles in a Pot Recipe


Homemade noodles, what could be easier? My mom used to cook homemade noodles only on homemade chicken with noodles of her own production. How I did not like to participate in the preparation of these noodles.!!! It was prepared simply on an industrial scale, if you remember the noodles that were sold in stores, then it’s clear why. Now everything is simple, there are so many assistants in the kitchen that it takes a few minutes. The recipe is simple, delicious, very satisfying with a twist. Perfect for Sunday lunch.